Maintaining our Infrastructure
Our Distribution and Collection team provides a variety of support and services across our service area. One of the larger tasks includes maintaining the Aquatera infrastructure.
This includes work on all underground pipes, replacing and servicing water meters, repairing water and sewer mains, installing new services as needed and spot checking the infrastructure throughout the service area as a part of our commitment to quality.
Learn more about this service in this video, and check out our maintenance, repairs and locate rates. You can also find additional information on Lead Service Connections on our FAQ's.
Sanitary Sewer and Storm Line Flushing
Aquatera’s sewer and storm line flushing and cleaning involves the flushing of sanitary and storm lines to remove debris. This is often done in conjunction with, and prior to, closed circuit TV (CCTV) video inspection services.
Hydro Excavation
The hydrovac excavator uses high pressure water to loosen soil. A vacuum is then used to transfer the soil or debris to a debris tank. This equipment allows the least invasive and most accurate way to excavate soil and locate underground utilities.
Catch Basin and Manhole Repair
Aquatera has the experience and expertise in the provision of catch basins and manhole repairs. Manholes and catch basins collect water and debris from the environment into the storm sewer system. We can provide on-going maintenance to repair manholes and catch basins, or respond to an emergency such as a broken service area.
For more information, please contact