Not so long ago, someone decided to toss their old batteries in with their regular trash. Seems quite harmless, doesn’t it? After all, the dangerous elements are encapsulated, and everyone else seems to be doing it.
After this bag of trash arrived at the landfill it was run over by a compactor causing it to crack open, react with the oxygen and burst into flames. Luckily no one was hurt, but this is something we must be very cautious of at our Landfill.
Even if this scenario doesn’t play out (fingers crossed), batteries and electronics contain heavy metals such as copper, lead, cadmium, mercury and lithium. These metals can permeate the ground soil and enter our water supply.
You may not know it but these products, as well as many others, are considered household hazardous waste. Items that contain corrosive, toxic, flammable or reactive ingredients require special care and handling to ensure proper disposal. Improper disposal can contaminate our water, land and air, and be hazardous to human health and wildlife.
So, what can you do if you have these items in your home? You can Round Them Up!
Aquatera invites you to join us on Saturday, June 9 from 10am to 2pm at the Eco Centre (10431 96 Avenue) for the Household Hazardous Waste Roundup! Not only is this an opportunity to dispose of your hazardous waste, but it is also gives you a chance to learn about how the Eco Centre is a safe alternative to disposing hazardous items at the landfill.
Did we mention that it’s FREE?
You read that right! This annual event is the perfect time for you to gather up your electronics, batteries, household cleaners, partially used paint (in it’s can, of course!) and many other potentially harmful items, and dispose of them at the Eco Centre at no charge! This free event only comes once a year, so we encourage residents to participate.
We will also have free pop, games and door prizes so you don’t want to miss out!
If you are not sure if an item in your home is hazardous, you can search it on Where Does My Waste Go.